Kseniya Sakharevich

Modern artist, MA


“The paradox of interrelations”. Exhibition opening.

Jan 24th – Feb 9th. My solo at DK gallery.

One of the work from the project "5 thinking people" will be presented At the exhibition of abstract art "External - Internal" in Vyjavy gallery from 28.01 to 10.02.

My artworks at the Autumn charity exhibition and auction in the National Center for Contemporary Art.

An inspiring creative mood at the opening of the Autumn Salon with Belgazprombank was fabulous.

DK Gallery will present three works at the Salon d'Automne with Belgazprombank, which will open on October 18th at the Palace of Art in Minsk.

MA.MA. ART GALLERY presents on Artsy.net my new show “The Paradox of Interrelations”.
Jun 28th – Jul 13th.

Expressive abstractions at the collective spring exhibition in NCCA, Minsk.

There was a photo shoot for the project presentation "5 thinking people".

Traditionaly take part in the Belarusian Exhibition of Art, Minsk.

Selected sketches for the new project. The work promises to be complicated, but very interesting.

An English version of the catalog has been published. 100 pages, 5 picturesque series and 4 exciting stories.